Rename audio files within FL Studio

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Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:01 pm


Rename audio files within FL Studio

I am struggling with something and I don't know if it is due to the fact that I don't know how to do it or if it just isn't possible in FL Studio. I have audio clips that I record using Edison and then use the Send to playlist as Audio sample button to put it into my playlist. From there the audio file is given (or maybe earlier) a generic title. I then click on the top left of the clip in the playlist and click "Rename/color". I change the name to something that makes sense to me there but the actual audio file (according to Windows Explorer) does not change.

Is there somewhere to rename the file from within FL Studio where it changes the actual audio file name in Windows as well? It is really tedious to go back to all the clips I already have in FL Studio and try to determine which file (DraggedSample1 - DraggedSample100 for example) was my Guitar track that is panned to the left. Then on top of that rename all of those files trying to locate them in the same manner.

Anyone have thoughts on this or able to help me out here?

If this topic is in the wrong place in the forum, plz guide me to the proper place. I'm a little new here. :)


angel bulbhead
Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:58 pm


Re: Rename audio files within FL Studio

After recording into Edison, click on File (in ...

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