Anyway to only show 64bit plugs in 65bit FL?

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Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:02 pm


Anyway to only show 64bit plugs in 65bit FL?

I think it's great I can load them bridged but I would like to have the plugin picker seperate from the 32 bit version cause I often load the wrong one. It could be a choice to only display the 64bit vs 32 bit plugins maybe if it would be doable. Otherwise I will make a category for 64 and 32 bit so I can filter but that is some work...

Or is there another smart way I can't figure out myself?

Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:18 pm


Re: Anyway to only show 64bit plugs in 65bit FL?

AdventureKid wrote:When I make broadcast work I...
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