Automating NI Massive Program List in FL12

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Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:05 pm


Automating NI Massive Program List in FL12

I am having trouble recreating the automation of the program list in NI Massive with the envelope controller & midi in FL 12.

I can get the envelope to change the program list via midi but the sound doesn't change in Massive with automation through the envelope controllers piano roll notes.

The preset stays on the original loaded sound and even stays the same when changed manually.

If anyone is having the same problem or has a solution it would be great as I use NI Massive this way in many tracks..

Thanks in Advance!

The previous solution in FL 10 is here:

Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:48 pm


Re: Automating NI Massive Program List in FL12

Has anyone had any success automating NI Massiv...

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