FL Studio 12: Loop one track while recording another.

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Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:28 pm


FL Studio 12: Loop one track while recording another.

FL Studio 12: How do I loop one track while recording another (MIDI primarily, but could be audio recording).

Here's the example scenario:
I record a pattern that gives me basic bass and drum lines. Lets say this is 4 bars long. This is Pattern/Track 1.
I want to record another pattern where I freestyle play piano for as long as the inspiration strikes me WHILE Pattern/Track 1 is looping in the background.

What I would prefer not to do (that would probably accomplish the "looping" but require extra time/steps):
Paste Pattern 1 repeatedly into a track. Wastes clicks and time - especially if I'm recording ideas for longer periods of time (which I often do as I'm playing around with ideas).
Put the pattern into an audio clip and somehow loop that.

Prior versions of FL had a "repeat step sequencer" which might have accomplished what I want to do, but since it is not in FL 12, I'm trying to find best way to do this.
For those that know Ableton Live (which I've only played around with briefly, they have a session mode that allows you to loop tracks (it is a check box), which seems to be similar to what I want. This is for context only - I don't want to buy another DAW.

Any help is appreciated. I had an old program from the 80s/90s called Master Tracks Pro where you just clicked a "Loop" box on the track. It was really easy.

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