Experiencing high CPU usage in FL Studio? Try this out

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Mon Aug 24, 2015 3:29 am


Experiencing high CPU usage in FL Studio? Try this out

Hey all,
Lately I've been struggling with extremely high CPU usage in a project file I've been working on for sometime now. It seemed like the CPU usage didn't really correlate with the type/amount of plugins I was using (I try to use lots Image Line and low CPU plugins, and also bounce down as much into audio as possible). I've been searching endless, trying out all the suggestions I could find but nothing seemed to make a dent.

I noticed that when I ran FL Studio (32 bit) I was getting a lot of IL bridge's showing up in my Task Manager's processes section, even though I'm only using 32 bit plugins. I decided to check some of the my VST's wrapper setting and noticed that the Make Bridged option was turned on for one of them. So I went through all my plugins and found 13 of them had this switched on, so I switched them off. I tried running my project again and I went from 95 - 99% CPU usage to 40 - 44 % CPU usage! My project went from completely unusable to running perfectly fine.

I suggest if you're having CPU usage problems to check if you're getting unnecessary IL bridges in your Task Manager and disable them.

Site Admin
Mon Aug 24, 2015 1:13 pm


Re: Experiencing high CPU usage in FL Studio? Try this out

Paolo wrote:Make sure that your highest CPU usi...

Site Admin
Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:36 am


Re: Experiencing high CPU usage in FL Studio? Try this out

freshlace wrote:Great tips here guys! Scott wr...

Site Admin
Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:46 am


Re: Experiencing high CPU usage in FL Studio? Try this out

freshlace wrote:Does this mean that routing all...

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