My playlist won't play sound

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Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:15 am


My playlist won't play sound

I am a brand new user, and I am working on my first song. It was playing just fine, then I closed my computer and took a break. When I came back, no sound would come from the playlist when I pressed play. I know the sound is fine because when I pressed the metronome button, the metronome would play. I had this problem before, but I just turned on the main track in the mixer and it worked. I tried this again, and it didn't work. The mixer channel was on and no sound came out. I set it to song mode too, so I know I wasn't on the pattern setting. I still get sound when I try to play a fl studio synth on my keyboard or smartpad. I have the producer edition, by the way.

Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:41 am


Re: My playlist won't play sound

looks like this request was missed for a couple...

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