play skipps and jumps Motu 24io soundcard

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Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:39 am


play skipps and jumps Motu 24io soundcard

Just trying the Mac OSX beta of FL and encountering a problem straight away. When I hit play, the transport jumps to 36:08:023 and nothing plays!

Mac Pro
Mountain Lion 10.8.5
Motu 24io soundcard

Turning off my soundcard, then opening the program allowed me to change settings.

In case anyone else happens to have this issue, it was a Motu 24io


- Turn off the Motu at the switch.
- Load FL Studio
- Change driver to Primary.
- Change back to Core ASIO.
- Turn on Motu at the switch.

Works fine now.

Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:21 pm


Re: play skipps and jumps Motu 24io soundcard

I have had the same issue using a MOTU 828MKIII...

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