12.02 Exporting .MP3 Bug

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Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:46 am


12.02 Exporting .MP3 Bug

I had this bug in the last version of FL 12 and the same exact bug in this version so I figured either no one has come across it or no one has reported it.

Summary: Sometimes when I export a .mp3 file the progress bar appears to be disconnected from the actual progress and the actual export process never ends.

Basically when I export a file as a mp3 it will start off just fine as you see in my first screenshot
Then as you can see my progress bar is the first sign of the bug because it does not increment properly, the bar in this screenshot is nearly to the end yet showing as 19/168
The bug continues to worsen as the bar nears full capacity and is still only showing 48/168
Then the possibility of a bug becomes all so real in my situation when the progress bar is full and reaches 168/168 and restarts back to 0/168 and will endlessly loop. I only know that it endlessly loops because I've left it for a couple hours before and while it normally would only take about 10 minutes or less to export 168 bars I returned to see the bar full and the numbers still counting up... so it's assumed that it's in a constant loop.
Does this occur when I export .wav files? I'll let you know in a just a little while, but last I remember I was able to export them just fine. At least more times than I am able to export the .mp3 files...No, this does not happen all the time but it does happen often and usually occurs after I've been working in the daw for a little time. Sometimes I can correct the problem by closing it and reopening but that does not work all of the time.
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Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:23 am


Re: 12.02 Exporting .MP3 Bug

Does this happen with other projects as well? C...

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