Archetype Plini plug in is making crackling/screeching noise inside Fl Studio 20.5

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Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:37 am


Archetype Plini plug in is making crackling/screeching noise inside Fl Studio 20.5

I'm having this issues inside Fl Studio v20.5.1 [build 1193] -64 bit.
Like in the subject, especially in the projects which requires a lot of CPU and Ram, when i use the Archetype Plini plug in by Neural DSP (an amp simulator) for reamping guitars i'm hearing costant crackling noise, but only when i'm using the clean tones patch, that means i have no issues with the crunch/distortion side of the plug-in.
I found a way to "fix" the problem, when i select "align tick lenghts" inside "Audio Settings" the crackling stops and everything sounds like it supposed to do, but here's the thing:
when i try to export the song in any format (mp3, Flac, nothing changes) the crackling noise is still there, making the exported song and the "align tick lenghts" trick completely useless. This issue is preventing me to export any kind of project in which the Archetype Plini plug-in is used.
I had issues like that with Bias FX too (another virtual amp plug-in), like the costant crackling noise.
I bought and have the original licenses for both Archetype Plini and Bias FX.
Is there a way for me to keep the "align tick lenghts" situation going on during the exporting process? If not, can i do whatever that option does manually?
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me fixing this issue.

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