Can I merge 2 tracks together in the mixer ?

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Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:27 am


Can I merge 2 tracks together in the mixer ?

I have Reason rewired in to FL Studio. When I for instance use a NNXT sampler, it will have a 2 seperate outputs (left/right) and these will be made in to 2 separate tracks in the mixer. No problem when I pan them hard left and right, but riding the faders is a bit hard with 2 seperate faders. I know in Cubase you can link the 2 faders together to act as a group. Is something like that possible in FL Studio ?
Or is there a way to get the stereo output of the NNXT on one stereo track in the FL mixer ?

Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:49 am


It does indeed work. It's a bit of a bitch to d...

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