FL VST beta plugins stuck in trial mode, possible registration issue

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Life Decoded
Tue Oct 18, 2022 10:21 pm


FL VST beta plugins stuck in trial mode, possible registration issue

Hi, I'm having an issue with the beta plugins (downloaded from the pinned post) being stuck in trial mode, with the associated nag sound present. I own the All Plugins Edition of FL, with the program itself running fine & all the plugins running perfectly natively. However, when running the standalone VSTs they all flag as demo mode:
Not 100% sure whether or not I am able to use these as standalone, or if they need to be purchased separately - but I'll do whatever it takes to get Edison as a standalone, that thing is *essential* to my workflow at this point :lol:
I tried going onto the "Unlock" option on some of the VST menus & attempted to unlock with my account, but after entering my details it would hang on "Retrieving", the offline unlock is similarly unresponsive.

Worth mentioning is that running the plugins (ones starting with IL, eg IL Edison) inside of FL Studio reproduces the same issue, whereas the native FL plugins are fine. The other hosts I've tested so far are Bitwig 4.4, Ableton Live 10, VCV Rack & Minihost Modular, all with the same problem. I'm also running windows 10 64bit, up-to-date (not the beta) fully registered FL Studio. So far I've tried: disabling antivirus, doing a clean install of FL - including running the license remover & reregistering everything inside of FL.

I also tried the offline unlock method using the regkeys downloadable from Account > Unlock Products, though they just seem to unregister FL for me & the plugin issues remain. Any help would be hugely appreciated :)
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Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:37 am


Re: FL VST beta plugins stuck in trial mode, possible registration issue

There are no VSTs included in the All Plugin Ed...
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