When will there be over 125 channels in the Mixer and more features than other DAWs if they are working on it?

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Wed Mar 27, 2024 12:44 am


When will there be over 125 channels in the Mixer and more features than other DAWs if they are working on it?

Truth be told, I've been using FL Studio for 14 years, but I'm tired of seeing Ableton and other DAWs take a step forward in sound design. I know we have Patcher, but the difficulties with MIDI routing, sidechain in FL Studio, and recording vocals, like the 125-channel mixer, still exist.

It can't be that in 2024 we still have 125 channels in a DAW used by a third of producers, and that we don't have intuitive features like a more intuitive sidechain routing, MIDI routing, more than 125 channels in the mixer for those who work with many samples and MIDI tracks, more than 10 effects in the mixer without using Patcher, macros that require knowledge of formulas in Patcher, which makes no sense, a good Envelope Follower, and nothing regarding spectral sound design and more complex sound design.

Stop making new VSTs or features to integrate into FL Studio and optimize the workflow in FL Studio, that's all many of us want here. You may argue that Patcher solves some of these issues, but that is already a default feature in other DAWs, with endless effects and channels.

Simply focus on that.

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