Ableton Live Plugin Thumbnails in FL Browser

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Sun Mar 31, 2024 7:40 pm


Ableton Live Plugin Thumbnails in FL Browser

I use both FL and Live together. I use FL's browser because of the visual thumbnails and WISH I could also " see " Ableton's plugin thumbnails. Why? It's just to have a visual catalog of what's available to me when I use both of these DAWS simultaneously. (I know they won't load into FL that's not what's intended here, I'm using Ableton as the master DAW)

I know the thumbnails consist of 3 files
png (png 192px)

For the image thumbnail to show in FL's browser, I need the NFO file that FL creates upon snap shots.
In this case, an Ableton live plugin, I made a screenshot to size png 192px. I have the thumbnail inside the folder where FL keeps its thumbnails for it's plugins and 3rd party. FL's browser reads it but it's not displaying the thumbnail, instead only a tulip icon next to the name comes up. It needs the NFO file to make the link and display the image, like the rest.

How can I make this work? seems like it can be easy. Any help?

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