Custom Tags and folder options in plugin manager

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Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:54 am


Custom Tags and folder options in plugin manager

I would like to be able to organize plugins within plugin manager. Current there are Effect and Synth, but I would like to have sub classifications or tags - and be able to organize a bit like a folder by doing a display by tag a bit like display by Vendor. I understand that VST metadata may contain information which makes the current system work but I think plugin manager would be more effective at finding plugins you don't know the name of if you have previously tagged them as a certain type of plugin or with some type of note so they can be referenced easier.

Also being able to organize by folder (source path) would be useful so that you could find plugins from a specific directory in the plugin manager -- especially since they are searched that way.

Organization becomes more helpful as a plugin database grows.

In the future if CoProducer is able to interact with fl studio to perform functions and run macros and tasks such as organizing the plugins based upon cross searches such as determining what the plugin does from learning or internet internet searching then categorizing it enabling CoProducer to interact with the plugin manager to perform the task of tagging and allowing easier reference.

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