Feature requests, please:

The place to upload Drumaxx presets and discuss programming it.

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Sun May 02, 2010 4:12 am


Feature requests, please:

Here's my Drumaxx feature list:

1.) More physical modeled drum shapes:
--half circle; both "full" and "cut in half" – For hang drum (full) and timbale (cut in half) and others.
--saucer / dish – better rides and cymbals

2.) Material selector: Metal, Wood, Plastic, Ceramic.

3.) A drum length (depth) shape parameter needed.

4.) A "barreling" shape parameter needed - for tablas and others.

5.) An option to remove one or both flat surfaces (membranes): you could either remove the top or bottom. Example, take a cylinder shape, remove both flat surfaces, select "metal", and now you've got a "pipe" sound.

6.) Two additional attacks, with volume knobs:
--An optional grain generator with two Sytrus-Style envelopes for "numbers of grains" and "volume". For maracas, shakers, slay bells, casabas. A simple white noise burst is not enough. But "grains" of random white noise work well.
--A sine wave sweep with two Sytrus-Style envelopes for pitch and volume. Necessary if you want nice "popping" attacks for snares / timpanis.
--A "grain" version the sine wave sweep.

Schwa Iska
Sun May 02, 2010 9:07 am


I want it too, but damn...

ERF Blackwater
Sat May 08, 2010 4:38 pm


I'd really like to see the option to dump step ...

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