Advanced Export

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Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:03 pm


Advanced Export

This feature would be one of those standout ones where people say "FL Studio has this cool feature that this other daw doesn't"....

Sometimes when we are mixing a song, we are trying to get a certain sound level just right. Let's say for example, a Kick sound. It can sound great at your desk, but too loud or low in the car. We have to jump back and forth with exports to find the perfect level.

With Advanced Export, we would be able to right-click a mixer fader and choose "Advanced Export". This would give us an option to export the song with different levels of that mixer track. For example, if a Kick was at -3.0, we would be able to set it to export multiple versions -3.0, -3.1, -3.2, -3.3 etc. within a specific range.

That way we can now listen to our song on different speakers with different sound levels for a sound to get it just right.

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