20.1.2 RC3: A couple of important questions/suggestions

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Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:00 pm


20.1.2 RC3: A couple of important questions/suggestions

1. Currently, when we double click on the Playlist header of an Instrument track the corresponding pattern clip in Picket Panel is not selected. Since a pattern clip is auto created on creating an instrument track, wouldn't it make sense to jump to that particular tracks clip in Picker Panel (and thereby select/highlight it) when we open the corresponding instrument plugin? I know I can click on the clip first, but I tried to intuitively open the instrument by double clicking on the header and started recording MIDI expecting it to record on the opened instrument's pattern click. However, it got recorded in a different clip.

Basically, to change the "Current clip source" automatically.

Am I missing something? If not, is this possible to implement?

2. When dropping audio to Playlist track header and selecting the "Audio track" option, double clicking on the Playlist header does not open the channel settings of the dropped audio. Why is that? The channel settings open for everything else except this, so I wonder if this is missed or left out for any reason.

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