Why does FL not follow industry standards for modifier keys?

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Tue May 17, 2022 10:05 pm


Why does FL not follow industry standards for modifier keys?

I just gotta say Love the Mobile version. It mostly works great by following mobile industry standards, So why doesn't the desktop version follow desktop software industry standards?

CTRL - Additive selection modifier key.
Shift - Sweeping selection modifier key.
Alt - Opens menu of program.

These things have been around since windows 3.1 and are industry standard for software, Every piece of software follows these rules intrinsically. Its even so ingrained in the system that Linux and BSD systems use the shortcuts as well so it applies across operating systems.

This is industry standard, Gatekeeping type behavior in your software should not be.

I hit alt in notepad or any other program and I'm able to navigate with the arrow keys on a keyboard efficiently.

I select one file in the file explorer, then I hold shift and select another file, Everything in between those two files is selected.

I select one file and then hold control and select another file. I've only selected those two files.

So why can't I hit alt and start selecting things with the keyboard in the menu at the top?

Why can't I hold shift and just drag a box with it knowing I want to select because I held shift, Or click a note, hold shift and select everything in the timeline between where I clicked the first and second time?

Why can't I hold alt and have additive selection of notes or subtractive deselection of notes?

Then there is the non-modifiable keyboard shortcuts where it *almost* feels right, Then you have "Draw, Paint and Paint in drum sequencer" being P B and N respectively. Every other function seems to respect ergonomic keyboard shortcuts and can be reached with the left hand, Then there is this choice of key sequences where you cannot press E select notes, Say ctrl+q press W to go back to (W)riting notes which would provide a smoother workflow.

Its also industry standard on Mac using the shift and command keys.

[Topic moved by Milinor]

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