Recording Midi goes straight to playlist

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Spirited Machine
Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:22 pm


Recording Midi goes straight to playlist

Forgive me if there is a way to stop this from happening, but I've been searching through options and menus and can't find it. I like to work solely with the Clip Window and not use the blocks, but when I record anything with my MIDI controller while in Song Mode, it gets placed in the Block window automatically. Sometimes I forget and have a patten play when I don't want it to, and the fact is, its just annoying to have to roll down the window, delete it, roll it back up, and repeat 2 minutes later.

Like I said, if there's a way to change this now, I'm sorry, I don't know about it. But that's something I'd like to see changed. Two MIDI destination options of Pattern Block or Pattern Clip window, or off, would be nice.

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