Fund raising for Harmor - or else i cannot make presets

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Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:24 pm


Fund raising for Harmor - or else i cannot make presets

If there were few of yours who would like to have analog instruments made with Harmor, then I mean taking the days back to before 2000 and progressing analog sound through Harmor to even create the illest presets? Who would like to pay like 149.99 for me to buy Harmor or pay an gift in the store.

As you are aware of I made approximately 1000 presets to Sytrus, many unreleased though I should had done that.
But now my main reason is to get Harmor so I can produce delicate synths and presets even groundbreaking feel of piano, guitar, basses, synths, atmosphere and many different presets that I surely can make for Harmor.

But I'm in demo and cannot save the presets I make...

So if anyone would donate to my paypal; ?

To the one that can raise funds for me I will create presets and give him 10 of the pack exclusively to him, if he agrees to release them with newest pack that would also be cool.

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