Before you stop developing it pls consider charging e.g. 39 € for it.
I would pay for it if you would add several missing features!
I really love the concept of Minihost Modular and I love that fact that it's free...
but there are still some things the need to be addressed urgently:
SHOWSTOPPER: Minihost has severe timing problems using Arps
Using it together with Kirnu Cream I have experienced that the timing is sometimes badly off.
I was using Kirnu Cream to feed its MIDI output to Xfer Serum in Minihost and used this setup as a synth plugin in Studio One Pro 3. So the chain was Studio One -> Minihost -> Kirnu -> Serum. The timing is badly off sometimes when playing back a track that has been setup like this. This is really annoying and a BIG problem! I have tested a comparable setup with DDMF MetaSynth in Studio One with Kirnu and Serum (S1 -> MetaSynth -> Kirnu -> Serum) and there the timing is rock solid and NEVER off. So something is obviously wrong in Minihost Modular regarding the MIDI timing...!
MISSING: Triplets and dotted quanization options in Piano Roll
Currently the quanization options in Minihost are really sparse and I am missing triplets and dotted notes in the quantization dialog...!
CONFUSING: Selection for notes and automation curves use different modifiers (Piano Roll)
To select notes in the Piano Roll you have to press CTRL. However selecting automation curve nodes works with the SHIFT key??
Why is that different?! Please make the modifier keys the same for both areas!
VST plugin audio outputs not configurable / too few
Currenly the number of outputs in the VST version of Minihost is fixed to only 3 stereo outs. This is not remotely enough if you combine quite some effects and synths.
Please increase the number of audio outpus in the VST version to 32 stereo outputs or make it configurable somehow.
Thank you