Regarding dropping instruments and audio on Playlist track header

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Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:09 am


Regarding dropping instruments and audio on Playlist track header

Minor QoL requests. Please note that the word "header" is important in this context. These will be useful especially when an empty Playlist track header is not in view; for example when dropping plugin/sample from a folder window outside or a plugin window inside FL Studio, which is in focus, so that we do not need to move windows here and there or resize Playlist window in the process.

For Instrument tracks

Current behaviour: Dropping an instrument plugin from Browser/database/folder onto an existing Instrument track header replaces the existing instrument plugin.

Request: When doing the above, instead of replacing the instrument, create a new instrument track (above/below) the existing track. This could be an option in case it is not for everyone, but I occasionally find myself doing this unintentionally, usually due to some other window covering up the screen.

For Audio tracks (samples/loops based)

Current behaviour: Dropping an audio file from Browser/folder on any existing instrument track header does nothing. This can happen accidently when working, especially the Playlist is only showing instrument tracks during that time.

Request: Instead of doing nothing, why not create an audio track for the dropped audio file above or below the existing instrument track?
Last edited by Kaitav on Tue May 17, 2022 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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