Roundhouse Mitigator/Uplifter

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Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:00 am


Roundhouse Mitigator/Uplifter

Hi, this is the current state of my attempt to make a volume rider so to augment low audio and reduce heavy audio.
I'm persuaded I could use some much simpler maths and reduce to a single Fast Dist / Soft Clipper in the end instead of many.

You can get it for free or buy the "exactly the same" edition on my Patreon! ... a-1-179577

Once it is out of beta, I will also publish it free+"Exactly the same as free but paid" edition on my Patreon, but right now the free version is only here in the forum...

It's just a way to let cheers become a mean of expression!
Roundhouse Mitigator.png
Roundhouse Mitigator.png (90.21 KiB) Viewed 546 times
Roundhouse Mitigator by
(5.88 KiB) Downloaded 454 times

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