Please Seed selector for Channel Arpeggiator but also Harmor,Sytrus,Env Contr etc

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Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:47 pm


Please Seed selector for Channel Arpeggiator but also Harmor,Sytrus,Env Contr etc

As the title. Currently there's no way to create a seeded random arp sequence with it. each time you hit play you get a different seed.

Would be really helpful.

Thank you

Actually I'd really love to see a seed knob for every plugin that uses randomness.

Harmor, Sytrus, Slicex, Envelope Controller, Directwave...
Did I forget one?

Obviously if Harmor is set to seed 1, it doesn't mean that every parameter will randomize on the same values.
Setting a seed 1 would basically mean to set a different but fixed seed for each parameter.
Setting seed 2 would create a new sequence of seeds, each one assigned to one parameter.
Setting it back to 1 would reassign to each parameter the same string of seeds recalled by Global Seed 1.

Omg that would be amazing

Really hope you'll consider it.
Thank you
Last edited by D3Mens on Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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