24.1 Beta 6

It's in development so expect the unexpected!

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Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:26 am


24.1 Beta 6

Just reporting back on FL Cloud Installs,

I had a couple unexpected pop ups and stuff but it seems that Model D hung on install, I will restart FL Studio when I got to sleep but thought I would just report back as I had more popups than expected then seems like dependencies failed to install to allow the Model D to finish the install like the other 3 cloud installs.

All these popups are not irregular just steps that may not normally happen for me on an install. None a few of these windows closed themselves.

The first one was antivirus -- it passed the initial test.
The Administrator login window closed on its own, on rerunning that install elevation was able to be done as it seems the first time I missed the elevation request and it just closed on its own.

Explorer also unexpectedly closed not sure if it is related.
Most of the other windows are likely normal program popups.

The final picture stuck install is just showing that the last Cloud Plugin didn't finish installing and the last notice was regarding installing dependencies.

Also not sure if I am tripping out but the Beta Shortcut is opening an old install of FL studio... when I go to the install directory it opens I check the version and it is beta 6 install.

But the FL Cloud Plugins doesn't appear in mixer only more plugins not fl cloud plugins.

BUT if I load the beta 6 project I just made then the FL Cloud Plugins reapears. Will try this again as I am over tired and want to make sure it happened that way 100%

OK yes i confirmed there is some trippy behavior -- is perhaps the FL Cloud Plugin stuff delay loaded or something.

Opened it up then checked to see if it appeared in Mixer -- it didn't.

I checked the about screen to confirm it was the beta that loaded. It was.

THEN I went back to mixer and the FL cloud Plugins was now a selection in mixer.

Not sure why sometimes it appears in mixer when I go to add a plugin and other times it doesn't. I would consider this unusual.

I almost am thinking perhaps the FL CLoud Exe is acting independent of FL Studio and not synced up to appear until a connection is made or something.


Just to update, when I returned to fl studio 8 or so hours later and relaunched the prompt changed from "installing" to "install" on pressing install again it downloaded the file without issue and elevated to make changes to "fruity helper .exe" and the Model D installed fine, so whatever was hanging the install before was temporary and the install worked fine 8 hours later.

Also the file size is 700.53 MB, I have GB net connection so downloads are very fast, not sure why the first install got hung but seemed to get stuck after it installed the dependencies. On relaunching fl studio perhaps that flag or process was bypassed because the dependencies already existed so whatever hung it the first time didn't get triggered again because there was no need to return or exit from the dependencies install.

maybe not just reporting unexpected behavior.
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