Plugins should be brought to the foreground when clicked, INSTEAD OF CLOSING!!!

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Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:51 pm


Re: Plugins should be brought to the foreground when clicked, INSTEAD OF CLOSING!!!

Hevy (IL) wrote:
Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:05 pm
I see.

I know, I also would like to see it.
I just tried to show that it is not a simple change like a one-liner in code, that it is on the list, and that it might take a bit as we are full-on in 21-mode.
I can understand, and I appreciate your positive outlook towards this rather than simply telling us about getting used to and all. The problem is there are many such requests that are pending since ages and that's where users tend to get a bit frustrated/disappointed. :)

Looking forward to this (and many other relatively smaller and long pending things) hopefully in 21.x.

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