Is it just me or is FL Studio not as good as it once was?

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Sun May 05, 2024 9:58 pm


Is it just me or is FL Studio not as good as it once was?

I have been away from FL Studio since mid 2016. I just recently started getting with it again as I want to eventually teach my young daughter how to use it.
Back Then I was using FL Studio 12 and then my PC died and I lost the Hard drive and Motherboard on that machine. I never got around to reinstalling FL Studio and all of my music tools until recently. The machine I was using was running an AMD FX8120 (8c | 8th) with 16gb of RAM and Windows 7 home when it died. I had very minimal issues with FL Studio from v9 - v12. Now I am running Windows 11 pro on a machine with a Ryzen 7 7735HS and 32GB of ram and FL Studio does not seem to want to run well. It seems glitchy. It crashes at least once an hour. The plugin management is not good. I prefer the older way from v11. I found that is still there, but it is a crap shoot if I run a non FL native plugin as the Wrapper seems to lock up frequently. I am finding a lot of my older plugins just do not seem to load with the newer version. I recall reading that 32bit support went away and that may be why. However even with plugins like Serum and Native instruments just cycling through the presets seems to be enough to make the system crash.

The issue is regardless of if the plugin is a generator / instrument or an effect plugin.
It just sucks the creative juices right out when you click something normal and it just crashes. I have even found that if I save frequently that does not make a difference. I was working on a new item yesterday I found a sound i liked in a 3rd party plugin loaded it up saved it, spent hours tweaking the piano roll, only for it to eventually crash. Luckily I had saved just before that happened. So I loaded the project back up and even though everything looked the same, same notes, same preset in the VST and no changes to any of the parameters on the preset, it didn't sound the same as it did prior to the crash. It was like the preset was being processed differently somehow. Can't figure it out.

I don't know what is different about FL Studio on the back end, but I am finding I no longer seem to like it. It seems the newer version even though it has more features, isn't as good as it once was. May be it is my old PC had a dedicated sound card vs onboard audio processing, but I don't think that is it as I remember when I loaded that sound card in my Windows 7 machine it didn't make much of a difference over the onboard audio on that machine either.

Am I just missing something? Are there specific tweaks I need to make for Windows 11 pro to get better operational performance from FL Studio?

Hevy (IL)
Technical Support
Mon May 06, 2024 2:56 pm


Re: Is it just me or is FL Studio not as good as it once was?

DjNotSo wrote: ↑Mon May 06, 2024 12:07 pm Not s...

Thu May 09, 2024 1:44 pm


Re: Is it just me or is FL Studio not as good as it once was?

4mB wrote: ↑Thu May 09, 2024 9:33 am kitekrazy ...
Last edited by kitekrazy on Thu May 09, 2024 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 14, 2024 7:02 am


Re: Is it just me or is FL Studio not as good as it once was?

I should've known it. But yeah, i started it, a...
Last edited by Tiles on Tue May 14, 2024 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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