IL, no stacking mode in playlist or unstack clips menu option: too easy to lose stuff in the playlist...
+ make all sample clips... unique by default mode...
If you don't want to do this.. have a tool in playlist that puts all playlist items one one track to unstack them. Or highlight and unstack.. This feature is silly why do you have stacking playlist items on top of each other?? I don't see why this was ever a good feature.
+ Select overlapping clips is useless when you allow clips to be coloured red ( in the default theme ) : it is too had to see stacked ones.
IL, no stacking mode in playlist or unstack clips menu option
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Re: IL, no stacking mode in playlist or unstack clips menu option
These would actually be great options...
Make ...
Re: IL, no stacking mode in playlist or unstack clips menu option
its time they refocus...
Re: IL, no stacking mode in playlist or unstack clips menu option
Did you see some of the make unique shortcuts i...