Why does FL STUDIO not keep the info from the first AUTOMATION value in free space?

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Sat May 25, 2024 11:03 am


Why does FL STUDIO not keep the info from the first AUTOMATION value in free space?

hi guys, i dunno if this is unlogic for me only or if i dont understand the system behind it. i got this automation clip and the TB303 always plays sound until you turn down the volumefader, i am working on a song and my automation clip isnt done yet so when im putting in my patterns why is FL STUDIO handling the part like the end of my Automation clip (Volume up) and not having the Faders all the way down? so FL Studio plays from the left but uses the info from the end point of the Automation clip?


so i need to extend the first part sooooooooooooo long until i got my song structured, kinda fiddly?

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