Fl Studio 21.2.3 on Windows 7 with Novation FL Key - is this setup working for anyone?

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synaptic flow
Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:47 pm


Fl Studio 21.2.3 on Windows 7 with Novation FL Key - is this setup working for anyone?

Yesterday I opened my new FL Key 49 and upgraded to the newest version of FL Studio. With the controller connected, I would get this warning... api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll Missing Error, (or 2-1.dll) I forgot which. but FL Studio would still open. However almost nothing works on the controller. FL Studio shows it is getting the MIDI data, but none of the supposedly "automapped" functions are working at all.

Any thoughts? Is this just simply a matter of move to Windows 10 and all will be well? I should mention that FL Studio itself is working fine on Windows 7 without the controller.

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