Automation Feature Request

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Dj 40oz
Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:05 am


Automation Feature Request

FL Studio would become a way more powerful DAW if you guys updated the Automation System. Its structure is good enough, but its features are due for an update. The most crucial thing I think needs to be updated is the data it gives you. Currently FL Studio only gives you a percentage of 0%-100% for every parameter you are automating. I believe every EDM producer would appreciate it if you could update this so that it tells you the data for the exact parameter you are automating. For example, have it show the LFO rate in Hz like 0Hz-100Hz instead of 0-100%. 0-100% does not translate well when automating the serum LFO rate (50%=6Hz). (Reference how Ableton does this because their automation shows all the correct data). Also, I believe the piano roll automation should be updated so it can become more useable. (Reference Ableton piano roll automation, they nailed it). If you updated this, FL Studio could be a much better DAW.

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