All Samples Quiet in FL Studio

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Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:39 am


All Samples Quiet in FL Studio

Hey fellow audio lovers,

I'm trying to figure out why samples sound so much different between playing them externally from FL Studio 24 and playing within. I've checked the usual culprits, but I'm coming up dry. My sampling rate is 41k hz, sampling quality is 512-point sinc, and I don't have any limiting or any effects/processing that I can find within the project. I replicated this behavior in an empty project template and still couldn't find the cause.

I tried to simply bump the volume on the sample channel insert as well as added a Fruity Balance to the mixer channel and matched it to the volume played through Audacity. Though it sounds louder, it still sounds different. It almost sounds 'dead' in FL Studio 24 compared to outside of FL.

If it helps, the kick samples I'm working with are from Splice. When I play the sample in the Splice player (not bridge), it sounds the same as if I play the downloaded sample within Audacity. FL Studio, however, is the issue.

I hope this makes sense. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance!!

Sat Sep 21, 2024 1:03 pm


Re: All Samples Quiet in FL Studio

FL does not change samples. If something plays ...

Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:11 pm


Re: All Samples Quiet in FL Studio

Does this only happen with splice samples? Hav...

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