Impression|Instrumental pop with some synthesized ambient sounds|Pop

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fad peo
Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:35 pm


Impression|Instrumental pop with some synthesized ambient sounds|Pop

This work has a good sense of atmosphere.

On a lot of instrumental sounds, I added synthesized overlays.
I added the singing voice of a beautiful female bel canto singer.
A good sense of vibe comes from the abundance of Pads instruments and reverb effects.
The climax of the piano has a polyphonic melody with synthesizer tones.
The arpeggios at the beginning were the best place to start, and I probably wouldn't have been able to do this without it.

Artwork Information:
Scale: C#m
Speed: 85 BPM
Element: Pop+RnB
No lyrics

fad peo
Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:40 pm


Re: Impression|Instrumental pop with some synthesized ambient sounds|Pop

I forgot to put the file on Sorry
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