Just produced this recently. Some feedback would be great!

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The Mad Maltese
Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:05 am


Just produced this recently. Some feedback would be great!

Hi I just recently produced this piece.
It is around three minutes long. Instruments used are Flex Organ, FL Studio Ibanez for bass, Rd Kick and Rd snare, Rd toms, Tenor Sax and Guitar Rig Pro 7 etc. Band echoes and Chilled settings in Guitar Rig. The intention was to make it to have a nice flow all the way through.
It's a laid back easy listening. All loops original and all produced. The mastering in Maximus.
I feel as if it's complete as is. Approximately one week went into creating this.
please if possible to get some feedback on it would be great.

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