Here is a set of 32 wasp presets in fst form for the FL Wasp. Some of them were made in 2009 but were interesting enough to include even if they are a little rough. I divided them into plucks_leads, basses and strange. I would have done it sooner, but I couldn't find this forum again. I am going to post about the problem as soon as I finish this. I hope you enjoy these and please give some feedback/criticism.
Wasp Preset share FL version AK
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Wasp Preset share FL version AK
Last edited by omac12 on Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Wasp Preset share FL version AK
Thank you for useful presets (there are some go...
Re: Wasp Preset share FL version AK
U-o - I consider 'useful' to be the highest com...
Re: Wasp Preset share FL version AK
Highest compliment? Why? I'm not professional, ...
Re: Wasp Preset share FL version AK
I'm a long way from professional myself. I've ...
Re: Wasp Preset share FL version AK
I must agree that the sounds you made are usefu...
Re: Wasp Preset share FL version AK
very coool ...thx4share