It's a widely varied pack that should have something for everyone. There are big drums, little drums, deep drums, dirty drums, clean drums, hard drums, soft drums... you get the idea, lots of different drums!
I have named all 64 drums too because I can never remember which bass drum is which when the folder is just a bunch of numbered drums! The majority of the names are directly descriptive of the sound, for example "BallBounce" sounds a bit like a bouncing ball, "NailGun" is a short, hard punchy kick and "NeedleBuzz" sounds like the noise a turntable needle makes when you tap it.
The idea is that instead of trying to find that bassdrum that you are sure you have in that folder somewhere, you can think "hmm, this track needs some ThumpersPaw or a maybe a bit of of RobotStomp"!

One last thing, I've been careful to make sure all drums have been set to the same level so there shouldn't be any nasty surprises while flipping through the presets! Now all that's left is for you to download them, drop them in your Bassdrum presets folder* and enjoy!

*The Bassdrum folder is usually in the Image-Line folder in Documents... unless you've moved it!