Harmor or Sytrus?

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Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:32 pm


Harmor or Sytrus?

Hello! First post here, so go easy on me :) ... That said, please feel free to chastise me if this has been asked already, or if I should be posting in another forum. I promise I searched, and didn't find what I was looking for.

The short question is, if you were kind of a noob, and only had enough $ to buy one of these 2 plugins (first), which one would you buy?

I was following a tutorial, and created a sound in Sytrus (basically I started with one of the arp presets - then added a couple of effects - bass boost & reverb 2), then stuck unable to save my project, was about to buy Sytrus when my partner (who happens to be my son, and more experienced than I) came in and told me I shouldn't buy Sytrus, that I should get Harmor instead. He did a pretty good job of recreating my Sytrus sound in Harmor, but it's not exact. (I'm picky like that.) "Harmor is way more powerful," he said. That said, I don't know the first thing about Harmor (not tons about Sytrus, either). While I trust his opinion, I am looking for more feedback. Would you agree with him? Why/why not?

My interest is in making house & techno. He makes mostly dubstep. Not sure if that makes a diff or not.

Thanks in advance!

Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:12 pm


Re: Harmor or Sytrus?

Harmor is easier, IMO. It also has an easier to...

Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:45 pm


Re: Harmor or Sytrus?

If you're using FL Studio though, I'd recommend...

Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:23 pm


Re: Harmor or Sytrus?

Oh wow - that is an *excellent* idea! (Not sure...

Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:10 pm


Re: Harmor or Sytrus?

microtone11 wrote:Oh wow - that is an *excellen...

Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:48 am


Re: Harmor or Sytrus?

You can always jot down notes of how you made y...

Fri Dec 26, 2014 7:31 pm


Re: Harmor or Sytrus?

I'd honestly go with harmor. The additive/resyn...

Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:40 am


Re: Harmor or Sytrus?

Not trying to hijack the post... I I'm a novice...

Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:21 pm


Re: Harmor or Sytrus?

WELL, if you went with Harmor, you now have Syt...

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