Free FX Patch: Resin

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Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:22 pm


Free FX Patch: Resin

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share a Patcher preset I made. Resin! It is built on a reverb, delay and some pitch shifters. It has quite a wide range of sounds it can make. Think shimmery/atmospheric resonator. It is meant for creative sound design. You will need to own Maximus and Pitch Shifter. Try it out and let me know how you like it!
Resin.jpg (69.2 KiB) Viewed 554 times
(63.44 KiB) Downloaded 126 times
Some Details about the controls by section:

Bypass: Bypasses all internal processing.

>> Global Module (Top Left)
Mix: Blends between internal wet and dry signal BEFORE going through a final compression stage
Press: controls the multiband compression mix. Which is the last processing step internally.

>> Pitch Module (Bottom Left)
Base Pitch: The baseline pitch of the input to the reverb. Range: -1 to 1 octave
Mix: Blends between pitched signal and unpitched signal
Pitch Bend: Direction and Amount of pitch bend. < 0.5 is downward pitch bend. > 0.5 is upward pitch bend. 0.5 is no pitch bend.
Mix: Blends between pitched signal and unpitched signal

>> Resonator Module (Bottom Right)
Reso Tone: Changes the internal delay time, effectively changes the resonant frequency. At high values, you can begin to hear the delay.
Reso Wet: The level of the wet signal coming out of the delay
Reso Dry: The level of the dry signal coming out of the delay

>> Reverb Module (Center-ish)
Low Cut: The low cut control for the reverb. Removes low frequencies from the input signal.
High Cut: The high cut control for the reverb. Removes high end frequencies from the input signal.
Decay: Controls the length of the reverb decay.
Sensitivity: Controls how closely the reverb will follow the source audio. Low Value, very little modulation in the reverb. Middle value, Smooth reverb fall off. High Value, clean full reverb.
Range: The range of the Reverb modulation. Max = input dynamic range. Min = 0. Middle = 1/2 the inputs dynamic range.
Offset: The midpoint for reverb wet signal modulation. Ex. When Range is 1, and Offset = 0.5, reverb range is 0-1 of input signal volume.

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