Chord Progression Tool - Pattern Generator

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Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:56 am


Chord Progression Tool - Pattern Generator

As we reached till this (the Chord Progression Tool), is there any possibility to have a feature in FL to generate musical patterns based on the chords given?

For example, a space to write the chord progression we want and the channels linked the chord progression to generate notes based on the chords given in each bar.

Let's say the chord progression is

|C|F |G|C|

And the notes given as the base pattern is C2,G2, C3,E3, G3,C4, G3,E3, the program should generate

For C chord C2,G2, C3,E3, G3,C4, G3,E3
For F chord F2,C2, F3,A3, C3,F4, C3,A3
For G chord G2,D2, G3,B3, D3,G4, D3,B3
So on...

This is possible already in small third part applications before AI. I wish to have this feature in FL.

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