Prevent sample preview when dragging from the sampler, or provide a way to drag samples without previewing them.

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Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:40 am


Prevent sample preview when dragging from the sampler, or provide a way to drag samples without previewing them.

As is very useful, FL will play a sample when you click on the waveform in the sampler.

Great for drums, but bad for everything else because it will play the entire sample whenever you want to drag it anywhere.

There are so many places you might want to drag a sample, and given most recorded elements are likely minutes long, previewing a sample when clicked must be a hindrance for anyone who doesn't make primarily sample and VST-based music.

Even though 90% of what I use in a track is not recorded, I find it incredibly frustrating just doing vocals. You have to press Ctrl+H, hit the stop button, or double-press the spacebar to avoid hearing the whole sample every time you drag a take into a different stage of processing.

Click to drag without playing the clip could be done with a function such as:

:arrow: Right-click and drag

:arrow: Ctrl+click and drag

:arrow: Click and drag as normal but the clip preview stops when the drag is complete and the click is released.

:arrow: A click-to-drag icon in the sampler, similar to the one in edison and other plugins.

I'm hoping this is already a function that exists, however, I couldn't find it while trying to search for it. I would adore this feature and I'm sure it would save a lot of annoyance for a lot of people if it were possible!

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