Playing with the LIFE pedal//Two songs I wish I could do live

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Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:12 am


Playing with the LIFE pedal//Two songs I wish I could do live

Recently picked up the LIFE octave fuzz/distortion pedal-thing from Earthquaker Devices, and I've been combining it with my 8-string guitar to get some downright ridiculous sounds.

I don't have the equipment, time, or people I would need to play a live set in the way I'd want to, but these two latest songs, with that type of tone to them are probably the most I've ever wanted to. Sea Unseen with its verses that could easily be extended or swapped out for even more absurd things, the lead vocal that could alternate between band members, and that refrain of "The captain is dead!" that could be given to the audience is the first time I've written a track that feels to me like it would be a better experience live than it is recorded.

And as for Avenging Entropy, the feeling is a little bit less concrete, but something about those slow guitar slides and the switch from 6/8 to 4/4 meters partway through the chorus feels like it could somehow take an audience off-guard in a good way.

This is strange territory for a solo over-producer and over-thinker like me. I'm interested to hear other thoughts on the whole concept of this -- it's not likely to actually happen in any kind of foreseeable future, but even just in theory.
Vertigo Fox - Sea Unseen (The Captain is Dead).mp3
Vertigo Fox - Avenging Entropy.mp3
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