It Is S000 CraXy

Place to exchange music made in FL Studio with others

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Thu May 09, 2024 9:45 am


It Is S000 CraXy

... I keep making music still even though I loose money and not make it. Two new songs, one with step recording and other "Live"/piano and vocal by name Rain(a redo from three years ,but some FL edit since I lack a mic which

actually works like it should.

...NEKTAR Impact is great keyboard still for me but E4 always sends the annoying faulty midi signal, :/ there oughty be way to get it to send correct midi signal but I don't know it. ...........the key has some(load) function as well as playing E 4 329.628 1.032m

Keep making music people !

ps cigarette and coffee, small enjoyment of life, and universe

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