Adding an automation channel to a track pr group through snap and pop would allow for easier automation methods and eliminate the need for automation replacement and resizing.
An automation channel could house up to 3 automations and allow for snapping to put the desired automation as a channel brick or a part thats moveable in the playlist but housed in that channel. This allows for popping in and out similar to the "selection to playlist" button that is on the audio editor.
A popped out brick could be placed back into the channel, and you are able to decide if you want to overwrite or fit to, as well as hold points that determine if an envelope can be edited between two or more points.
The audio automation channels can be grouped automatically to a playlist area to be auto grouped, or you can select toggle links which would be a track and then toggle click boxes that link and not hide to an area.
Allow fl to add automation channels through playlist (snap and pop)
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