For all new projects, I now use the recommended 'Store data relative to the Project folder.'
I also like to store my project's used samples within that relative data folder. However (to prevent unnecessary bloat), I tend to leave the 'Copy used samples to the Project folder' option to disabled, while I am in the process of auditioning various samples (adding and replacing, or deleting them) while creating my projects.
The reason being, is because I don't want each and every sample that I 'temporarily' add to each project being unnecessarily copied/saved to the relative data folder, while I'm simply experimenting while creating my (work-in-progress) projects.
Currently, this means, I need to 'disable' that specific setting and only when I'm happy and ready to 'copy/save the currently used samples' to the folder, I have to keep repeating the following steps:
1. Open the Project general settings.
2. Toggle the 'Copy used samples to the Project folder' option to enabled (to save the samples to the folder).
(then, because I'm still in the process of continuing to experiment and auditioning additional/temporary samples to the project, to prevent those also being automatically copied/saved, I have to again do the following...)
3. Toggle the 'Copy used samples to the Project folder' option back to 'disabled.'
4. Save project (via the usual: File menu > 'Save project').
5. Then continue working on current project, auditioning and playing around with additionally added samples (many of which are often only temporary and will be replaced (i.e. I don't want them copied to the project data folder), before my next Project save...)
6. When I've added new samples that I am satisfied that I wish to keep (i.e. having removed any additional 'temporary' samples while experimenting), I again have to repeat this whole process again, beginning back from step 1 again.
What I propose, is a far more efficient (and specific/controlled) workflow. Which would allow users to achieve the same thing via the following, When creating any new projects.
1. Open the Project general settings. (this first two steps would only be required once per new project)
2. Toggle the 'Copy used samples to the Project folder' option to disabled.
(and from then onwards...)
3. Simply work on my new projects, adding and removing as many samples as I wish. (without those temporary samples unnecessarily being automatically saved to the project data folder.)
2. Whenever I am happy that I want to copy/save all currently used samples within the project, simply go to: File > 'Copy/Save used samples to the Project folder'
Effectively, after initially setting the Project settings while creating a folder for a new project, the user would be able to decide when to directly save the project (via the usual: File menu > 'Save project'). i.e. as they currently do.
But they can ALSO, just as easily decide when to directly 'Copy/Save used samples to the Project folder' (via an added File menu > 'Save used samples to the Project folder' option.)
This would give users more control, specificity and efficiency of deciding exactly what and when information we save (especially useful for preventing 'only temporarily' used samples from bloating the Project data folder.)
As a bonus, it would be also great if this additional direct File menu option could then be mapped to a keyboard short cut, such as the suggested: 'Alt + Ctrl + S' (in the above mock-up)
Obviously, for other users who don't care so much about preventing bloating of their project data folders, they could simply keep the Project general setting of 'Copy used samples to the Project folder' always set to 'enabled' within their Project General settings. But for other users like myself, the additional control and efficiency of deciding exactly when we want to save the 'currently used samples' to our Project data folders, would be most appreciated.
Thank you