L-B3 Rotor (Leslie with doppler effect) January 7th UPDATE v1.32

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Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:45 pm


L-B3 Rotor (Leslie with doppler effect) January 7th UPDATE v1.32


This version is pretty close to what I was looking for and all the transitions work smoothly, plus I've simplified the logic.
In the previous version, I tried to create the Doppler effect by adjusting the frequencies, sending the signals from the LFOs to the EQs. However, the result was rather mediocre.
In this version, I reworked the logic and took advantage of SG's solution for his Room Position Reverb patch. This patch by SG tries to position a sound in a two-dimensional space; right, left, front and back, in a very simple way, obviously with the balance, and also with the reverb, to create the sensation of closeness and remoteness.
So, the only thing I had to do was to automate this sense of rotation, X and Y, by means of the LFOs.
In this case, there are 3 rotors, 2 of them for the high frequencies of the tweeters, right and left, and the third rotor for the low frequencies. Between the 3 rotors, there are some specific offsets.
I hope you find it useful. I think that with the pads or atmospheric sounds, it works quite well. But I leave this to your judgement.
L-B3 Rotor By XAOS v1.32.fst
(58.97 KiB) Downloaded 22 times
LF3 Rotor.jpg
LF3 Rotor.jpg (51.42 KiB) Viewed 192 times

For months now, I've been trying to install Melda Production's MVibratoMB via FL Cloud without much luck, as every time I try, I get an installation error. I guess I need to install Melda's Plugin Manager or something stupid like that. If so, it doesn't make sense to duplicate it if I already have another plugin manager like FL Cloud.
Anyway, I've decided not to waste any more time, and just do it myself, as a Patcher exercise.

Looking at a Leslie cabinet, I see that there are 2 sections, the high frequency section with 2 horns and the low frequency section with one speaker.
Looking at some online documentation, I think the separation between high and low frequency is around 800Hz.
The HF oscillator should work at twice the frequency of the LF oscillator.
To create the Doppler effect, I use the volume control (zoom in and out) and also a frequency sweep. The important thing here is that the phase of the oscillator, both the one controlling the volume and the one controlling the frequency sweep, is out of phase with the PAN oscillator, as can be seen in the diagram below.
The formulas I use for the oscillator speed control are logarithmic, because the speed control in the Fruity Envelop Controller is exponential.
If the formula were linear, like the output of the slider, then during the first half of its movement, nothing would happen, and in the last part, the oscillators would speed up too much.
I hope you find it useful, and if you want to improve it, feel free to do so.

I've been testing it with PADS as well and I think it generates some pretty interesting effects, but it's best to judge for yourselves, it is free. :D
one slider.jpg
one slider.jpg (29.5 KiB) Viewed 270 times
Leslie XAOS.jpg
Leslie XAOS.jpg (246.41 KiB) Viewed 277 times
Last edited by Xaos on Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:45 pm


Re: L-B3 Rotor (Leslie with doppler effect)

Thank you, Sapphire. I am still working on it. ...

Sapphire Light
Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:14 am


Re: L-B3 Rotor (Leslie with doppler effect)

Xaos wrote: ↑Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:45 pm Thank yo...

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