Manufacturer: AKAI Professional
Product Pages: APC 40, APC20.
Supported since: FL Studio 10.5 beta
Controller works as a clip launcher and note or parameter controller with user scriptable pages.
1. Connect the device via USB.
2. Turn the device on. FL Studio will auto detect device.
3. Make sure the APC40/20 is enabled.
The APC 20 differs here...
CLIPS/OVERVIEW/CONTROLLERS: trigger clips in the Performance zone, displays an overview of 8x5 zones or controller layouts.
NAVIGATION: navigates the playlist zone in 1 clip/track increments.
OVERVIEW: displays an overview of 8x5 zones, press a button to jump to the corresponding zone.
SCENE: triggers vertical columns or grouped clips.
+SCENE: triggers vertical columns or grouped clips but adds to the existing triggered clips.
SAME MODE: toggle between normal SCENE and +SCENE modes and triggering only clips in tracks that are set to the same Press mode).
SNAP: bypass snapping.
GLOBAL SNAP: toggle between no snapping and FL's global snapping when snap is bypassed.
QUEUE: queues the next clip(s).
DISPLAY: display the current performance zone in the FL Studio playlist.
(Double tap SCENE, +SCENE, SNAP or QUEUE to 'lock' them on).
Special pages:
See custom setup/page info here
Press OVERVIEW then the left most button on the clip stop row (or navigate upwards from the first clip zone) to jump to the track activity meter page.
Press OVERVIEW then one of the other lit buttons on the clip stop row (or navigate upwards from the track activity meter page) to jump to one of the note and controller layout pages. You can also create your own note, controller and system layout pages with the simple scripting system described here.
Note layouts control the currently selected channel or channels in the step sequencer window. Multiple channels can be controlled by different layouts at the same time by right clicking the green channel selection indicators to the right of channel buttons.
Controller layouts allow parameters to be controlled by a group of buttons. To link a controller to a parameter in FL Studio, right click the knob or fader, select 'Link to controller', enable 'Auto detect', then press a button on the layout on the APC. Use the smoothing knob in the controller link window to smooth the parameter changes as you press between buttons.
Hold 'SCENE' to hold notes, or to enter "temporary" controller mode. Press '+SCENE' to release all held notes.
Here are diagrams of the notes that are sent by each page:
C Major notes & Slicex:
Gross Beat controllers & fader:
2 FPC & Slicex:
6 Horizontal faders:
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