Adding more presets to the Time settings

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Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:28 pm


Adding more presets to the Time settings

Would like the following if possible.

For the PPQ add in the presets 30,60, 240, 300

In the set as time division

Allow for increase numbers for both the beat per bar and steps.

Increase both at least 4 times what they are now.

I use a seperate SMPTE audio file for syncing videos

So lets say i use a 24 fps smpte file.

I set the tempo to 60, PPQ to 120, beats per bar at 1 and steps per beat at 12. that will put 2 frames per step 24 per beat(second).

I would like it to be 24 steps per beat(second)

Its the grid lines that I like to changes not timing. This is for visual reference only.

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